New Year's 2018 - Chakra Infusion
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 1/5/2018
Time: 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM

1991 Lakeshore Drive
Muskegon, Michigan 49441


Event Description: Refocus and rebalance your energy by treating yourself to the wellness you deserve. Your evening of self-care will be accompanied by hot tea and live acoustic guitar. 2017 seems to have been a tough year for many of us! Whether challenges were welcome, like getting married or starting a new job; or whether they brought sorrow or grief like the death of a loved one. This past year seemed to be one that created concern and stress. Release the stresses, weight and heaviness of last year, and welcome in a fresh set of intentions for the year ahead! Join us for a very special restorative event as we open our doors to host a lovely evening of yoga, integrative meditation and reflection, and intention setting. We will provide an atmosphere to inspire your personal reflection, and promote peace and overall well-being as we wring out the old and bring in the new! Cost: $25 if registered by January 4th, $30 day of the event

Lakeside Shopping District ?1991 Lakeshore Drive Muskegon, MI 49441 Entrance to our Yoga and Wellness Shop and studio is from the parking lot behind the building. From Lakeshore Drive, turn onto either Moon and turn left into the parking lot behind Ghezzi's Market or turn down Mann and turn right into the parking lot behind the Marine Tap Room. Look for our signs in the window.

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